We're always looking for more great people to join our team. Work remotely from wherever you are in the world. You'll work with a diverse group of bright and passionate folks committed to fostering internet freedom worldwide.

Posizioni Disponibili

Al momento nessuna posizione aperta. Ma torna a controllare di nuovo presto!

Posizioni Precedenti

  • Android Developer
  • Backend Engineer for OONI
  • Bookkeeper-Payroll Specialist
  • Bookkeeper-Payroll Specialist
  • Brand Designer
  • Browser Developer
  • Browser Developer
  • Call for Applications: Board of Directors
  • Developer Data Architect
  • Director of Engineering
  • Director of Strategic Communications
  • Education and Communities Coordinator
  • Executive Assistant
  • Fundraising Coordinator
  • Metrics Data Architect
  • Onion Services Site Reliability Engineer
  • Product Designer
  • Project Manager
  • Senior System Administrator
  • Shadow Simulation Developer
  • Software Developer for Anti-Censorship Team
  • Software Developer for Anti-Censorship Team
  • Software Developer, Rust
  • Software Engineer (C Developer)
  • Software Engineers for Applications Team
  • Software Engineers for Applications Team
  • Systems Administrator
  • User Support Specialist

Pensi di poter aiutarci in una posizione non presente in lista? Ci affidiamo anche ad una vasta comunità di contribuenti volontari e molti diventano staff stipendiato. Ti invitiamo ad unirti a noi su IRC per trovare il modo in cui coinvolgerti.